Priya’s journey began as a curious teenager, practicing Kung Fu and meditation. After serving in the army for 2 years she began her studies at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya, Israel, where she graduated with a BA in Finance and Business Administration. When she graduated, she realized her passion for personal growth and development was stronger than ever, and she moved east to India.
This is the time that Priya mastered emotional work and releases. In the early stages, she was working with individuals, perfecting the method, and then advanced to leading dozens of groups to become a Trilotherapy executive teacher.
After leaving the island Priya moved back to Israel and helped establish the beginning of the School of Trilotherapy. Priya co-created and led the 2nd year of the 2-year long Trilotherapy training program for over 300 guides, and supervised all graduates during their internship period.
In 2017, Priya and her family moved to San Francisco and she became the co-owner of the Mindful Body center. Priya created The MindSet Journey throughout all the years of her education and teachings, and she continues to teach it today to guide and mentor her students.
Currently, she co-owns The Pad Studio in San Francisco where she continues to spread her wisdom while hosting yearly trainings for her students to become MindSet Guides. All of her upcoming in-person and virtual sessions and events can be found here.
The MindSet Journey is a warm, supportive community experience that offers people who thirst for real change the opportunity to break through the internal blocks that hold them back, to master tools and practices that support real-life transformation, and to move forward in life with greater ease and joy.